Tekkit2 Minecraft Build notes on Ubuntu 22.04LTS

Assuming a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04LTS, accepting default options and no extra packages except OpenSSH server to login.

Install zip/unzip:

apt-get update; apt-get install zip unzip

Download archive for Tekkit2 (as of 20221202):

wget https://servers.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkit-2/Tekkit-2_Server_v1.1.3.zip


unzip Tekkit-2_Server_v1.1.3.zip

Install Java and add Repos:

add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Attempt to launch to confirm server is working:

chmod +x LaunchServer.sh

Should take several minutes to load, depending on hardware. If this works, set up cron to similar to below to launch server upon reboot:

root@syr-tekkit:# cat /etc/cron.d/root_gameserver
@reboot root sleep 5 && cd /home/asullivan && /usr/bin/screen -dmS gameserver-screen /home/asullivan/LaunchServer.sh

Open up port 25565 to internet while server is running to connect. Use the Technic Launcher.

RG350P Handheld First Impressions

After saving up for this handheld, I pulled the trigger on this recently and have been pretty impressed overall. The system runs buttery smooth, comes preconfigured with a large number of emulators and ROMs and just generally feels like a solid little handheld from the hay-day of Gameboy goodness.

Running at 100 bucks with a micro-SD card, the system isn’t super expensive when compared to my Nintendo DS with a custom Kart to run roms (about 90 bucks total and much more limited in what it can do in comparison). This handheld even plays PSX roms without issue and has excellent loading times when compared to my playing times as a child.

Things of note:

  • Quick to boot. Plays games very well once you find the right roms. Surprised it plays PSX roms as well as it does (Vigilante 8, Driver, Crash Team Racing each for 30 mins or more without issue).
  • The system will randomly not boot (stuck on black screen) but hitting the reset button immediately resets and fixes it.
  • Came with 32GB MicroSD card loaded with ROMS which makes managing them much easier. Comes with a bunch of emulators (including DOSBOX which is neat) and all are preconfigured and just work which is excellent.
  • Lots of menu options that make it pretty solid to use. Can also save game states to come back to them if the games don’t support saving (very neat feature).
  • Worth 100 bucks? I’d say so for sure, especially with the loaded SD card.

I’m going to be spending a lot of time tinkering with this. It appears it supports networking (guessing via one of the two USB-C ports) so will need to check that out for easier ROM management off my internal SFTP server. In the meantime, I’ll be reliving my childhood on a 4 inch screen.

Worms Armageddon Drinking Game

Drinking situations for normal drink/beer/wine-cooler:

  • When a worm of yours gets hit for more than 50 damage, drink once
  • When a worm of yours gets hit for more than 100 damage, drink twice
  • When a worm of yours is killed by falling into the water, (NOT by homerun!), drink twice.
  • When a worm of yours is killed and leaves a tombstone on the playing field, drink thrice.
  • When two or more of your worms are killed at the same time, drink half of your drink (or finish if less than half full).
  • For every of your team’s tombstones that are dropped into the water, drink once. If it happens off-screen and cannot be verified, no drink needed.
  • When you grab a tool kit/weapon kit, all other players drink once.
  • When you grab a health kit, all other players drink twice.
  • When you grab both a toolkit and a health kit, all other players drink 4 times.
  • When you shoot, and your projectile ends up in the water without hitting anything, drink twice.
  • When you use your special weapon and miss, drink 4 times.
  • When you teleport out of harm’s way, drink twice.
  • Skip go, drink once.

Drinking situations for shots:

  • When you commit suicide, drink 1 shot
  • When you jetpack and end up killing yourself, drink one shot and drink once.
  • If you get killed by a prod, the only way of alleviating yourself of some of the shame is to drink 1 shot chased by a hearty chug of your drink.
  • If you get homerun’ed into the water, drink 1 shot and give your best Worm voice impression.
  • If a player skips a turn without moving AT ALL, everyone takes a shot
  • If you sit on a worm and make a wormstack for 15 seconds, bottom player takes a shot